Thursday, July 24, 2008


mR joE
08/12/2007 7:05 pm
heyhey,thanks for adding you much o.muack!!!haahhaaha~~~~~~happy oways.. ^^

mR joE
08/21/2007 6:09 am
out of your mind??i bring in back to you..heheh,love u and pls rest more...

mR joE
08/24/2007 6:47 am
did u meet sumone like nick carter??

mR joE
08/25/2007 10:08 pm tOo,i mEt suMonE SuperVIP in mY liFe..BLess tO hAv hEr..

mR joE
08/26/2007 4:10 am
darling...i love you sOoooOooo much..!!!!

mR joE
08/28/2007 10:26 pm
the unlucky gal name "xiao yu",same age as you,from jb also...if there is a chance,willl intro to you..hehehe~~~looking forward ya??

mR joE
09/4/2007 8:33 pm
hey darling...thanks for being my side when i need is always around with you...,you know that?

mR joE
09/6/2007 7:39 pm
never thought that wanna leave her..want tO be witH her forever..sometimes,feel she face a loTzzz oF stRess,buT shE jz faCe it aLone,i wAs sO heArtpaIn..heArt waS owaYs bleedIng bcoZz oF her,tHInk tO caRe aBout Her le...i Love heR so mUch..moRe thAn i loVe myseLf..

mR joE
09/12/2007 8:14 pm
this is onLy thE little tHing tt i can dO..taPossss is D mOst waNted tHings tt U neEd wHen tt mOmenT..jZ dO taKe care Of urSelf,noMore maKe me heArtpaIn,and bLeeding,tapossss....mAhalkita!!

mR joE
09/14/2007 8:33 pm

mR joE
09/18/2007 7:41 pm
no need to delete la..

mR joE
09/19/2007 4:08 am
darling,i love you sOoooooOOoo much!!!!

mR joE
09/21/2007 10:29 pm
you know,i very happy when i was be with you,u are my power to move on,and,mahal na mahal kita!!!!

mR joE
09/23/2007 12:28 am
mrs.dUmBduMb,frOm thE vEry 1st daY unTiLL tOday..i wAs sOOooo appriciate evEry mOmmEnt tT we tgeTher..nO maTter hOw fAr aWay wE apArt nOw,i sTrongly bLieve tT our heArt r alReady chaIn tGether,nOthing cAn brEak iT ofF anD tAke yOu awAy fRom mE;oR taKe mE awAy fRom yoU..bCoz oUr heaRt r lInked tO eaCh othErs wIth soMetHings caLLed 'lOve' ..'frIend' fOrever + sPecial lOve = tHe oNe wIll sPend wHoleLife wIth mE.

mR joE
10/5/2007 6:57 pm
dArling...i bE a€c yOu tO coUnt yOur eveRy hOur,evEry mInutE,eveRy secOnds...aS loNg as mY liFe go oN,mY lOve tO yoU wIll go oN alSo..

mR joE
10/13/2007 4:09 am know how much i love you??thanks for wake me up everytime when i work morning,really appreaciate it..thanks for everythings you do to me,I LOVE yOU!!

mR joE
10/13/2007 10:54 pm
daRling,my mrS duMb duMb:hAppy 2nd moNthsARy!!mY lOve iS alwaYs arOund yOu,wHenever yOu neeD,jUst gRab iT..tRust mE,nOthing wiLL hAppen oN yOU,aS lOng aS i'm beSide yOu..loVe yOU mUch mUch anD muCh!!mr.dUmb dUmb131007

mR joE
10/22/2007 4:09 am
dArliNg,i wAs sO enJoyaBle ydAy,we hAve tO keEp it Up..i liKe thE waY wE aRe ydAy..i Love yOu sO muCh..!!

mR joE
11/1/2007 2:26 am
dArlIng,doNt wOrry aBouT thAt...i lOVe yOu sOooOoo muCh...yOu aRe mY oNly oNe aND wIll bE thE lAst oNe ~~~~reMembEr ,nOthing wIll haPPen tO yOu aS lOng aS i aM beSide yOu...yoU aRe belOnG tO mE,i lOve yOu!!!

mR joE
11/14/2007 7:29 pm
everyday waS soOoooOo haPpy tO sEe yoUr faCe..aNd alWays waItinG d eNd of d daY,sOo we caN meEt uP anD hAve sOoo meAl..anD d mOst imPORTant tHings iS tO nJoy tHe tIme wIth yOu..

mR joE
11/16/2007 4:14 am
i saW yOur lOve...

mR joE
11/17/2007 6:19 am
i am happy when i saw you happy...i am down when i saw you stress...i love you!!!

mR joE
11/22/2007 11:02 pm
- heRe tO saY i Love yOu sOoooOO muCh -

mR joE
11/22/2007 11:06 pm
darLINg,yOu hAve aLL mY tIme..dOnt wOrRy.jUst lEt mE knOw whEn u'Re reAdy..loVe yOu,mR.jOe

mR joE
12/3/2007 9:29 pm
i missSSsss yoU men!!!!

mR joE
12/21/2007 1:12 am
i love you!!i love you!!i love you!!!!!all we need is time,let us bear with it..face all things tgether

mR joE
12/23/2007 3:57 am
no woories about me,i am understand-able..bubu love bubu...

mR joE
12/25/2007 5:55 am
may the santa got my wish yesterday...merry you so much..

mR joE
12/31/2007 6:09 pm
we are just love the feeling tat from each other,izzit it?back to the first,i miss that time,and those memories..can time be reverse?

mR joE
01/3/2008 9:43 am
i miss you damn badly menz~~~~~~~~~~~~

mR joE
01/8/2008 6:57 pm
am here to shield you up now onwards,hide yourself in my arm,althought is small,but still can fit here always,no matter what,you have me always...

mR joE
02/5/2008 8:01 pm
have you just lost you way to log in friendster?i miss you soooo much,did you know that??sob..sob....

mR joE
02/19/2008 12:37 pm
pretty pretty pretty girl!!!!miss u sooooooo much~~~

mR joE
02/20/2008 4:54 am
you lost izit?please take care of urself...

mR joE
02/26/2008 8:13 pm
i already eat lOts ...jusT maYbe nowAdaYs tUcksHop fOOd suCk ba..??caNt reAlly fInisH uP aLL d Food.

mR joE
02/27/2008 6:36 pm
Please take care of Youself o~hapPy oWays...

mR joE
03/3/2008 8:07 pm
ya...i miss you baDly~

mR joE
03/3/2008 8:08 pm
and...dont always "pogai" or fall down..walk haohao..

mR joE
03/3/2008 8:09 pm soNg In leArning~^^i miss you...

mR joE
03/7/2008 8:01 pm
wHen yOu'rE saD,i wIll lEt yOu bIte.
wheN yOU'rE loSt,I wIll bE tHerE oR hErE fOR yOu.
wHen yOu'Re aLone,mY sPirIt wIll be thEre fOr yOu.
wHen yOU'rE hUngrY,i Will pReparE fOOds fOr yOU.
wHen yOu'rE tIred,my sHouldEr wiLL reAdy fOr yOu.
wHen yOu'Re bOriNg,cAll mE.i'm waItiNg.
wHen yOU'rE stRess,iWill bE yOUr dUstBin(fOr anGer)
whEn yOU'rE trOublIng soMetHing,tHrow tO me,i"ll cLear/deLete iT foR yOu.
wHen yOu doNtKnow whAt tO dO,i wIll teLL yOU.
wHen yOu dOno aPpreciAte/tAkecaRe yOuseLf,giVe yOUrseLF to me,caUse i'll apprEciaTe and tAkEcaRe oN yOUr beHalf.

wHen yOU sMiles,i will sMiles.

mR joE
03/11/2008 9:26 pm
finaLLy yOU'r sIck...haiz...aM noT docTor.sO i caNt oNly NaggIng aT yoU..i mIss yOU baDly,babe..

mR joE
03/16/2008 8:58 pm
tREying tHe bEst tO gEt wHat yOu wAnt..whY??beCause reAlly lOve You sO mUch..

mR joE
03/29/2008 2:55 am
bubu~~ i miss you!!

mR joE
04/8/2008 9:31 pm
i miss you damN bADly.....

mR joE
05/10/2008 8:26 pm
eh,i miss you le..sob..sob.....


08/10/2007 1:06 am
hoi SA POH

08/14/2007 5:57 pm
Darling, thank u for today....Hope you are happy too.Muacks

08/17/2007 12:18 pm
Mr.DUMB DUMB (^-^)

08/19/2007 2:08 am

08/22/2007 6:29 pm
Darling,Thank U arrrr...LOVE

08/25/2007 12:39 pm
Yup... I guess i meet sumone like nick....Hahahahaaha YEAH!!!

08/26/2007 11:54 am
Walau u dare to send me that kind of testimonial arrrr...... hahahhhahahaha you are really out of ur mind la. Well well love u too.... Just ignore wat other people say... Thats the rules.!!!!

08/26/2007 12:14 pm
Who is that unlucky gaL???

09/2/2007 1:40 am
hey bitch.......

09/5/2007 1:27 am
hey... thanks for the testi huh... (You're so MEAN)

09/10/2007 7:24 pm
hey thanks for the company throughout.....appreciated! thank u sooooo much

09/13/2007 7:29 pm
When i need someone at that moment, she'll always be there for me. Share my happiness, sadness, tiredness, and even painess.... 24-7 just called my name and i'll be there... That's her.

09/17/2007 11:14 pm
wei..... sweet like chocolate lo.. (^-^)

09/17/2007 11:15 pm
o ya what do you think of deleting away my friendster account???

09/19/2007 1:09 am
cOOL picture huh.....

09/19/2007 11:27 am
nice muSic, CooL piCtuRe... That the memory!!meMorable experience (^-^)

09/22/2007 11:15 pm
eMmmmm soMeoNe requested for this sO i just dRop bY to saY heLlo b***h, missing yoU lehhhhhhzzzzzz (*-*)

09/22/2007 11:26 pm
hOi now then i realise that the priMary piCture photo you write mY raQuel.... hahahahah You're so sWeeT.... (^_^)

09/25/2007 10:54 am
baBe.. thAnKs for thE sPeciaL mooNcake & suPrisE.. It's touchEd my heaRt dEeplY. Love u muCh baBe

09/26/2007 6:46 pm
the Winnie the PooH sO cUte le.......

10/13/2007 1:04 pm
iT's mY joB to waKe u Up lo.... whO aSk u.. piggy! hahahaha

10/13/2007 1:16 pm
love ya

10/14/2007 1:36 am
hMmmmmMMmmmmm muakssssssloVvvvvE yoU...

10/17/2007 8:00 pm
darling thank you for everything... im going to give you a suprise o... Hahahaha later i will wait you at work place o! i Love you.

10/20/2007 12:27 pm
hoi... why never send me testi le?

11/15/2007 11:05 pm
check it out with my updated per requested from the fatty o.

11/15/2007 11:10 pm
although that i spent more time in the gym.. but we will still as close as before. Hmmmm don worry i can manage all my problem de. It all bout Time.. I need some time men!!!!

11/22/2007 10:33 pm
hmmm i saw something!!! Well,just give me some Time well

12/6/2007 10:46 pm
hey hey.... halo!!!

12/12/2007 4:59 pm fainted le huh?

12/12/2007 4:59 pm fainted le huh?

02/13/2008 10:36 am
ass la u. take thing easy la.donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn be too hush urself

02/24/2008 11:48 am
eat more can???plz...

02/24/2008 11:48 am
eat more can???plz...

02/29/2008 12:18 am
mmmmmmmm!sssssssss me ar.....???????????

03/9/2008 4:22 pm
shit you la......




你说得对,我们不适合在一起.明天之后 你不会再看到我的出现,也不会再看到我为你所做的一切.

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