Monday, December 14, 2009
Rest day!!
Finally this is my first off day!!
ok,yesterday watch video utill 3am plus??then was been wake up by siti.(my parttime staff)saying that she is near by my house,and her mum was going to mosque toing some things,she feel bored.Then i was awake,jz like that. =="
playing laptop,chit chat..after that around 2 plus,went to careefour next my CONDO!!Yes,i stay in condo..but that is not my own1..but will stay there alone untill March.
Here the address,attetion!!!
please dont write wrongly.and the postage maybe u shld put $1.00 to play safe.maybe u can ask the staff if u buy from post office.
Subang Avenue,
Persiaran Kemajuan SS16,
47500 Subang Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehasan,Malaysia.
Ok,this my address.
mobile number : +60167123820
People,please remember when u buy postage,check the correct with the staff,im locate at Selangor.Not KL. ok??
now,my lappy dont wan me to upload the photos that i took.. ):
ok,is time to go off ..i got lots of things to do..tomolo another Race day in sunway .. Cheers!!!
baby,wait for me.cause i'm waiting you.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
today is my day 3 of work and 304th days with my baby...50 more days will be our 1 year.but i cant acc her. ):
Alright,work is fun.yesterday,was really so so so much people in leg,my voice...all use to maximum volume.Geraldine was really amaze.She can last for so long.haiz,i wonder can i or not.No wonder May ask me to stay strong before i fly.So now i know the reason already.
A headache task given by Steven.Clean d staff room,and think solution for PFJ work flow.decision was out by go back on Tuesday when school reopen to do the cleaning with Geraldine.
Baby was mad today in TPS.Kenneth was really not perform as a manager.Shit him.Whatwas the office people thinking when they do hiring?poor her.and,baby told me that,Jessica and Rose was acting me by saying this, :" who teach u this har??who?who?
i miss TPS guys~~~~
and i love my baby.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Day 2
Today is 2nd leg was shiveling..(am i spell correct??)the new job is really a big challege to me.2outlet,4kiosk to look after.from the way to comunicate to the staff,and take over them to let them break..its a big excise for me..everyday,i think i been walk at least 3km..up down up so so so tired..but,im great that im learning new things which i never ever been learn at TPS.
baby say she miss me lots..what do u think abt me?i also miss her so so so much....
6months,bear with it!
now is 12 plus almost 1am..i still using the dryer to dry my clothes,serious i duno how to use,utill i very pekche...hopefully,it wont spoit.
tomolo day will be a wonderfull day,cause is coming weekend..think will be got work... at one dare to bully her ba??if Jiayang dare to go outlet bully her,jiayang will have a huge huge huge pimple at his forehead.right at d middle of forehead.LaoJiaYang,u can try.. (:
Monday, December 7, 2009
Finally,tomolo i will fly to KL.
Finally,the exam of our relationship start.
Tomolo,i will fly to KL.ya.for 6months.for work,for my career?for my future??or wat?Baby was sad. i know.but she jz couldnt stop me from leaving her.maybe i'm selfish.but i have to.Not to be very wei da,this is my career.and our future.
Jz now hav a talk with Hui Yin when trish went to pee, " are u going to stay in sg forever?"
seriously,i been think this question again and again.and the outcome is always not going back msia.Maybe i shall think again after i come back from KL.
4days was staying at Yong Sze's house.with coco,her pretty dog.she is so so so cute,she was crying now cause nobody was acc her.YS was on phone with her BF,im blogging,another 2 gals are FB-ing.Poor doggy..
Hui Yin and Trish are always the best pal of mine.They are so so so so so nice!cause,always,they will squeeze out her tiny timing for me. (=
i love them!!!
well,6months back,promised them will go PLAY!yeah,i must go!!!gotta go archade and PLAY,and cut hair!!
Pals that reading this blog,Thanks for the past that helping me around.and i wil be back soon,and will catch up with u guys super soon!
Ok,And to my baby.i promise u,i'll be back soon!!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Happy journey to Bp
Today is my last day on duty at TPS.Frankie cook tomyam soup...i drink 2 bowl,ya,very full...LOL
Rose cried,cause she was sad that im leaving.but too bad,people come and go.only the memory stay.this is what i told her also.I bring laptop today,cause want to blog :)
tomolo will go back Bp with baby,happy.but my driving license expired le,gotta renew tomolo...):
anyway,my cheque will only come in when i go to KL. So so sad!!!
no mood to blog also,cause got group of idiot keep talk nonesense in outlet,irritate me!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Now,im at my grandma dint go out with baby,cause feel like want to acc my grandma bef i fly.
but baby is pity,her mum dun wan
My flight confirmed on 7Dec 1405hrs.will be arrive at the same day 1455hrs.which is 50min later.this is my first time taking plane.think that wont be the worse1.
so,i left 11days for baby,and friends.
6 months to KL for management trainee.i hear Geraldine said,i have my own desk,own room(most probably).Am i got a great job?this is still an unknow answer.
6months is testing our and baby's our love strong enuff?
6months can change a lots of things.u should know this.but i will maintain it as long as i can.jz like i promised to someone.(cross my heart somemore)
From the offer given,i already make my decision,but i dint say yes,cause i need to make baby self prepared bef i really say yes.utill d moment i sign the,was upset.but she choose not to stop me,cause she know this is my career.and our future.I was so bless have a understanding girlfriend with me for past 9months,and i believe that will be more to come,but for the coming 6months,im sorry that i cant be by her side when she need me,cause im aways..
Baby,please forgive my selfish.and i promise buy u katespade bag,ok? (paperbag) LOL
i wonder will i hav network connection for me at night when im at room...):
and will the fan really work?cause i cant sleep without wind!!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Today is our 9th month.Was waiting baby at Changi T2 Starbuck.Come here after get the upgrade disc from SimLim,and straight away headdown upgrade my OS.from vista to 7.And pick bb.and dinner at CARAMEL!!!!
Was really blessed to have baby with me.REally.
Year 2007,
i had a gf.i spent lots on her.yet she betray me by get bf behind me.ya,on-off-on-off type.I know.and i admit i'm too stupid at that point of time.I should break her before she break her me.
Aug 07 - Feb08,very short period.and lots of ppl actually said i'm silly.Ya.i'm
Soon,i quit there.For her,for my future.
2008 Nov,i join TPS.A new start of my life,new turning point.Yes,thanks to Pui eh,and TaiTai.i love them.(Fren like them,i really appriciate and cherish)
Lots of parttime,and im the only fulltime service crew.ya.i'm surround by parttimers.And i'm super flirt at that time.i aslo supprise
I met her.start of the month of Jan.She changed me.She did it.
Settle off all the "scandals" and go for her.And i make it.Even my ex's case,i aslo jz feel nothing.
For the 9th months,Momo,my girlfriend,she loves me,and taught me lots.Dont just think at my own view.try think at others people shoes.And i'm still learning.She changed my tempare.Thats why if i happen to be very angry in outlet,the first person for the rest parttimer will look for,is her.then will send her to put down my fire.LOL
They are funny.
Now,she is with my heart.I love her with fully of my heart.She is not bad girlfriend.i still able buy my stuff althought with to previous relationship,i was really harly to get a shirt for myself.
She is my guardian,
When i fall,she was there to hold me.
When i cry,she was there to wipe my tears.
When i complain,she was there to listen.
When i angry,she was there to calm me down.
When i vent anger at anyone,she show me that anyone can vent anger too,not only me.
When i lost,she was there,giving me clue instead of answer.
when i'm in love.She was in love too.With me.
Baby,i love you.Really do.
This is not the last month we celebrate.I just travel to outside a while.Soon,i will be back,and we can celebrate it very fast and happening again.Trust me.i will proof it to you.Cause u worth for me to do so.
Happy 9th Months!
Monday, November 9, 2009
I bought Laptop!!Finally!!
Yes,it is like for so so long i have been at singapore,and keep saying that wan save money to buy laptop.and is for years, i dint get for myself.reason:no extra money.
Suppose have a meeting with May on Sunday(ya,is this day)But she cancelled cause she was sick!!hope she can get well soon.So,the meeting postpone to Thursday,and my schedule was really really tight!!!But,i will try squezze my time out for her. :)
So,althought is midnight,and a bit heartless,but i still texted baby to inform her that my meeting with May was cancel.And ask her to call me when she wake up the next day morning.
Yes.i falled asleep,and baby called.Her tone very pekche,Something goes wrong.And i cant get answer from her. :(
After put down the call,i realise the reason is she had be called me more than 16 times, but i dint answer at all.i think i was covered by blanket,or maybe i was too tired.(isomia..)
Felt sorry of cause,but because of her tone,i felt angry.text her a message in quiet rue way.:(
And fall asleep again.
She came finally.Was have a maggie mee "breakfast" and then head down to Bugis pray and qiu qian.Then head down Sim Lim Square buy laptop.$899 for this model Aspire47736. :)
After done with laptop.where we go?
is to PLaza Sing.have cup of coffee and tea for baby,then,buy RINGS at grand Cathay!!!hahaha,we choose super long..y buy rings?suppose buy it when our 1st anniversary de,but if i got a new job,i w'll be,we bought it early,jz in case...
baby,im sorry.
then we have our dinner at Jln Kayu PS.the waiting time was super super long...the "chef" look lost...
Lucky we dint die in prata very paiseh
Home Sweet Home with baby.And as usual,home sour home.
Got my laptop,and got a hole in my wallet..
Monday, November 2, 2009
yes,was my off yesterday.and had a birthday party for yiping.organize by baby.Promised her to help her.So,we meet at tamp after her school.then was visit the fat fat chubby chubby fie at his outlet.
I think the most happiest thing that girl will like to do everyday,will be to shoping!Yes,Baby love shopping,so so much.we bought lots of really a lots.dont be surprise,is only 2 of us that carry all the stuff.I've bought a box,so,we out all the things in to the box,it make me more easy to carry.althought is really si bei heavy.but i really make it. (: i'm strong!!hahaha!
was almost run out of things,from decro,to set up fire.we are like siao like that.the worst part is,Mr.Rain are joining us for BBQ too!!!
End up,we've a very happenning raining bbq night at the hall.And,follow on,i've a happening stomache in the middle of the night,and last till morning.gosh..yeah,and i dint turn up for work.I'm surrrrrry,Pq..
slack at home whole like zai nan.=.=
time to sleep le.
will the world end at 2012?
worrying,i still young wor..
How long it have been?11days i coming out from that sadness??sometimes,i think yes.sometimes,i think i'm still inside.
Looking at her photo,and my heart was telling me,she s gone.and really gone.and my brain ask,is that true that she is really gone??
Just like an angel and devil fighting,like those drama,like those stupid show.Never fail to go to the link to check the latest news,was keep waiting ,and waiting.
What was really happened??why this happened on her?wat did she had done to have this pain?she dont deserve this.dont deserve this at all.
i miss her.
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Never expect all the things happen so sudden.should we have d chance to turn back the time?dearest,u used to call me laogong,and no one call me laogong after you.(ever my current girlfriend,lol)so,who gonna call me laogong again?who am i can nag to?dear ar,when u go to heaven,please please dont party over there ok?promise me u'll take care urself,like when u go to UK,like when u go club,i cant call /text u to nag at u again anymore,but,i wish i can nag u in my dream.
Dear ar,when is our last meet?i cant even like be so so long time ago.shall i tell Evin abt you?i lost his contact.but i will try to let him know,ok?
Dear ar,let me dream u often ,ok?
good night,
Your laogong.
Monday, October 12, 2009
8th Months!!
Well,today is me and baby's big day..For so long we being together for 8 month,not that long,not that short,but we appreciate each other. (:
Our activities today was like decide by thousands years then finally decide go do cycling at PasirRis park.Suppose meet at 1230pm,but,as usual..i overslept and only able to meet baby at 130pm..well, already noon,a kiss to "punish myself keep baby waitng for me.. lol
wat now?of cause breakfast la!!Yankun is a first choice.1set,and ala cart eggs and teh-o for baby.Called V,cause is her birthday today as surrrrrrrrryyyy v,dintmake it to celebrate for you..(:
headdown to take bus 89?i think so,cause i just blindly follow the way was talking about the history like 1st world war,and 2nd world war blah blah blah..and reach our destination very fast..well,bit dizzy...
walked in and rented a double bike.(of cause i'm in front lo)as per request of Our Highest princess momo neo...after payment and we owned d bike for 2 hour.double bike is not easy to cycle.cause i dont have expriance before..but,nevermind,i like "advanture".
along the way,was so many topic to chat and laugh..finally stop at a pondok,we park our "ferarri" and just chat everythings~
times up,returned bike and we walked down to beach.sat and chat,talk about how much we know each others...hahaha~and,we got still long way to go to know each other more and more..
Dinner was decided at sukiyaki.
We're really full with d food and d DIY ice so fun and so many laughter...i love her soooo soo soo much..was talk about my payment for msia also..haiz...also keep laughing non stop..think im crazy cause of momo. =.="
then was have a small talk at d side of esplanade.nice one with lots of kids making noise beside us... =.=
home sweat home with momo. and i home sweat sweat home myself.typing this blog while my dearest was sleeping like a
Baby,this question for you: just need to fill in by yes or no,very simple de.. :)
Oh __ ! I'm a pig!
LOL...think u want to pinch me now ba..hahaha,but too bad,im on my way home to bp...hahahaha,wait me back ba..
Monday, October 5, 2009
Break down
Happy children's day!!!
woke up quiet early and left home to work very early.reach Wheelock around 935am?go to border and get some books for baby.yes,they books that she mention earlier children's day gift?lol
opening as usual,just not really have heart to do that,cause knowing my pay is not increase as promised earlier on,felt very disappointed.and down.(of cause,but numb le,cause is not first time!!)everything was good,most of d time,im sitting there do my paperwok,prepare Fulltime payroll.and being silent for so long,finally break down after baby called.cried.yes,once again break down.but,wat i can do?nothing than,just cry.
baby consulate me and i really need her accompany.left shop at 5 plus,and reach office before 6pm,hand in d invoices,and leave with silent.nothing more to chat with office people,really heartbreak.Wait baby at train station,and will continue d journey by i hop in when baby's train approach.SakaeSushi time,i got d sakae card,and some bday voucher.very happy!use it very
have a great meal,we go to archade,and yes,cooking master then judebeat.(d music box)leaft last 2 token,we decide to try our luck in d kiamp kiamp machine.the machine is really cheat ppl feeling de lo...cheat diao my happy.. =/
Time to home,haiz..but saw a auntie really very li hai,caught lots of toys,and give us 1 tigger,but rejected nicely,1st,we're not tanxiaobianyi,2nd,baby wan red melody only..hahahaa
ok,finally,home sweet home with baby,and home bitter home with my tired body.
Baby ar...Thanks for acc me when im down.I really love you!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Ok.Is a "busy" day with so many things slot into my time today.. (:
To be continue d story,i need to bring some story from yesterday night.Last night,Had a "supprise celebration" for Carene.Tom bought a huge cake and really shock everyone that,who knows he got a sooooo huge cake for Carene??Never Mind,is not of my business.Ok,everyone rushing home,notice that Carene doesnt feel happy at all but act that she is ok with everthing.Approached her to give a "old folk's advice".She claim she is ok.So,fine,better leave her alone.So,MX was chiong to take d last bus,while i stupid stupid stand there.Tom and Yang leave together to take bus with the super huge cake.Poor Jiayang,think he bring the cake home.ok,then left me,Felicia,Pq,Sam,Carene.
Plan = A/Felicia,Sam cab home. B/PQ,Carene cab home. me last bus home.end up,we walked to bus stop wait Mx as she missed all her last transport to home.So,While waiting her,was spoke to Carene.Poor her,so stress with soooo many things...haiz...
Problem solve and i got my last bus to AMK.Sleep.And wait the message from the girls.
Nx day.haiz,missed my time to send baby to work,as i insomia till d last timing i saw is 4 or 5 plus. Woke up at 8 or 9 plus.(force to wake up) Get ready,head down to Office which locate at PayaLebar.Things done then next destination find baby.want buy caramel Latte for her as she told she wanted to drink that earlier on.but i wonder if she wan hot or cold,so i get both. =.=
She choose hot,think her office is tooooo cold..Head back to Amk meet PQ and Carene after pass baby coffee.Get meesua and eggs for carene as her "birthday gift".Honestly,is so hard to cook a hard boil
called aunt for help,and kena tease.. =.=
Anyway,K time after mee suay...sing till 445pm,run to take train and meet baby for dinner..then head down to her house,"visit" her mum and our little fat d last episode of
Finally,is late night.and how i wish i could stay over.haiz!!!!!i want stay over!!i wan room service!!!BUT,still i gotta go home alone..
home bitter home.Sleep,and get to work d next day.
i love my dearest baby,
i planned to blog as much as i can,cause my dearest is so bored at work..
We're planning our future,right?hand to hand,heart to heart.i wan let everyone know,i do love you!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
My room in my house in msia.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
baby was sick.seriously de sick le.i cant do anythings,the only things i can do is waiting next to d phone.she need rest more than she need me now.Thats why.was worrying,worried.and worrying.Her situation up down up down.All d medicine she ate all vomit out,like that how to take d vitamin??!!anyone can help ? Guan Yin Ma ar..can u po bi her??she is just a kid!!dont let her suffer so much can?
baby ar...must really get well ok??i cant go take care u,i feel sorry..
after u get well,bring u to seafood, ok?bing you to whereever u like,eat whatever u like..i promised.
X cross my heart,my body,my brain.
Monday, August 31, 2009
That is this day,send baby usual we sit down to reading the newspaper while waiting the to us is a auntie.then,naturaly will look around when reading newspaper,cause was outside.saw this uncle,ping ping piang piang and run very fast towards,baby get shock (got yin ying)and jump off from chair,and i also get shock.stunned few seconds, :"call ambulance." very quick baby call the ambulance.
the auntie next to us fainted,was the shock one.all the passeger that waiting d bus also shock,and as usual wat they do is kaypo,only certain ppl saying call ambulance.doing wat i can,give air to auntie,ask baby her to buy water.and wait ambulance.
Seriously this is d first time i facing this.i blaming myself cant react very quick.should train le.Bless the auntie stay in health.and she is bless to have a good husband.Really,can tell d uncle really love d auntie.
Baby Home sweet home. I home sour home.
Life short,do wat u want to do.enjoy wat u deserve.
24th Birthday
First of all,just to highlight.I cant sleep now,thats why i'm writing my blog now.
20Aug is my birthday.And that was a happiest birthday even.
18Aug,TPS xiao guas celebrate for me,touch.and shock.and they shock the funny one.wanted to go home asap,then when walk out to change,naturally turn right,saw PQ,hi to her,and stunned.Whole gang of them stunned too cause actually wanted to suprise me.
Photos taken lots.With RD's sun glass.And Frankie's Food.(tot they cook for uncle,lol)
Guys,Thanks for the gift card,Jy,Thanks for the music box,i love it..And the cakes as well..
19Aug,morning meet baby at SK for lunch.then library to "study".As,i study comics,and she study her account.Poor her.*hugs*
630pm meet Pui eh at TPY.tot she forgot my Taitai show herself when we almost finish our meal.Thanks for the slippers.i trying very hard to get use,cause being 24 years,i never wear giap giap de..i reall like that,thanks!!! *huge hugs* Must meet up often!!!!!
And,Pui eh ar...i will keep buying toto,pray for me,ur 500dollars present is on you le!LOL..
chit chat utill ard 2 plus??think home.silly baby was waiting me at home..
20Aug,suppose meet baby,but baby come my house
of cause i sleep like pig still..and we move to town when is evening time.To have dinner at Vivo(Earl swesens) And was nice one with baby.Thanks for the wallet,the cards,the stars,the cake,and the heart.i love all as long as it is from you..*kiss*
Thanks for all of my friends,my bestFriends,and My GirlFriend.
then,that is the another day...
then.Birthday end.Reality come back.Work
Monday, August 24, 2009
Working hard to buy laptop for myself.Hate to use people's laptop.Like owe he 100000000000000000million dollar like that.pui!STUPID!!Download this cannot,download that cannot.i suppose not to share with him at first.Should draw myself out from the house loan and car load as well.I HATE!!!!
Housework then all i do,What the Fuck!!!!!(point middle fingure)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
sometimes i'm lost.
sometimes i'm back.
sometimes i'm serious to get things done.
sometimes i'm sick of that.
sometimes i wish i should just leave for a good.
sometimes i think i should bear with it.
Heavy work load,seriously under-staff. To be honest,I'm tired.I dono how long i can still hold on.things doesnt go to the way i wanted to,pay doesnt tally with what i done.i dint blame others.i blame carry all this alone.After all,i'm just a chess for the company.Why so pian?to achieve my dream?in this company,your dream are not going to be come true.So,i'm leaving,my heart is not in the outlet le.i'm very tired.Really.
Acting like nothing happen is the things i need to do.I have to cover nothing happen.Just like Fie.Resign in silent.i want to be that way also.But izzi now the correct time for me?i dont know.
People stress to get what they want.i stress to get nothing for myself,but company when they dint pay me any,still ask from me.
Haha!What a jokes!!!! $1.2 for a Asst.Mgr? WTF lo,i just bear with this for a while.I'm not coming from Msia as a charity person that work free labour.TPS,---piang!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Today was the busy one.i stuck myself in bar.For so long dint see pudding,miss him so much.same as my baby.miss the hugs!!!
birthday is coming,planned to get leave as usual on my bday,butstupid company,understaff,i cant get my leave on wednesday!!!!!!so,i take morning shift.hopefully nothing will happen on that day,so i can meet hui Yin for dinner or whatever,for so long we dint meet each other,think almost 1 year,times really fly..
Finally,schedule was planned out,but still like shit,haiz,understaff. =.=
think baby fall sleep le,cause she said will callme back,but i'm falling sleep soon too!!!her brain stuck with all numbering and formats.poor her.
That goes my days,always the same.haiz.i miss baby.
Hey,pui eh,please arrange ur time on wednesday!!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
no tittle
My bro,kena robbed at genting,haiz,dumb dumb brother,and angry because his gf is too much!!recently was thinking,am i working in F&B or those Office work that need to handle all the paper work.
The Paperwork like forever wont finish de lo,si bei pekche.
Met Raq in msn,she is pissed off by andrew and nicky.Andrew are forever a childish boy that no balls.Bully girl??Wat the F-. doing the same things to Raq by complaine to nicky She doesnt commite well in her job.just like when that time me and her are together.Childish. was sleep so soundly beside me.ya,beside me thru phone.we're on the line when she is sleep,and i'm playing facebook,think she will kill me when she find out i actually playing FB instead of doing my paperwork. =P
is time starting to look for new job le.and time to meet pui eh and tai tai le...we was like thousand year dint see each others liao lo..thinks pui eh will be super pui...
ok,thats all.
P/S : UP was nice,Russel was cute.SOOOooooOOoo cute.Baby like him. ) :
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I miss MOMO
I miss Tutu
I miss Pudding
Recently,doesnt maintain my temper very well,feel so sad that hurting someone innocent.I dont why.i feel bad.i feel i'm just like a bastard.
I miss the Original Joe.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
no title.
I'm not being bad.I just try to prevent the rumuos,prevent the words that will hurt my love one.Sometimes,i just dono wat to do.I tot i play a good role in maintain a relationship in a working enviroment while others thinks that is inpossible.but,i'm wrong.i'm just fail to do this.wanted to protect,but i lost my weapon.i use my body,but is too weak.People's mindset/rumous are stronger than me.i dont want to see she work in a place tat with pressure/ with rumuos.i tried.i know student have to focus at their study,i know they have their exam.i dint expect much from them,i wan they can take good care on their study,and i wan to take good care on my outlet too.But wat can i do when my outlet are run majority by parttimers?i can do anything!!
Exam week is coming,i need schedules from my part timers.but i wan them dont ruin their mood and exam just becasue of work also.Will they understand me?or am i understand them too?
I just so hate myself so much.
Really HATE.
stuipd joe.
but i really just love her so much.
Yes,o'm tired,tired with work.tired with work load.I cant have enough time to sleep,due to work.I cant have enough time for my girlfriend,due to work.I cant have enough time for my friends,due to work.
All about work.Sianz.
Today is momo's event.i'm really tired.Slept on chair.Why tired,due to over work,and do nothing at the is suck.Staffs playing their best part.i' great.but i really hate PDA which create lots problems.
momo is down by flu.I love her.i'm so heartpain.Hope tomolo she can get welll.dont wish to see her in suffer .
Tomolo is my day off,planned to find grandma,but cancelled due to work. :(
work work work.i'm not workalcholic.But i have to that pretend i'm.Haiz.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
After Tutu's inciddent,to be honest,i got no heart for hamster.scare to cry again,but all change after me and baby saw Pudding.
He is chubby and super active.The feeling are diffrent from Tutu.We bought him back from Bugis.all the way from Bugis till Senkang.
i dont dare to say that i love him,but definetly i like him.We bought new bedding,some treats..i cant built his house for him,so,baby gotta do this on my behalf.
On my way home,baby text me sayin that he very active,this and i wish i was ther to look at him.But,never mind,i will have my chance still.. (:
Pudding must grow up stronger and healthy.Dont break mummy heart again,think mummy will throw whole cage out the window..ok?
Tutu,we got a brother for you,bless him grow well and healthy.
Monday, July 27, 2009
来不及分享所有的快乐,可爱的一面,你就这样离开了。你知道吗,我给你的爱没有给你妈的少,你的到来,让我还有你妈很快乐.我们计划了好多好多,要带你去ECP,要带你来我家,要时常带你走走,要你可以很自由,要给你买很多很多的玩具,可是,原本想要给你最好的,结果你却收不起,离开了.去到一个我不知道是那里的地方, 留下我和你妈,还有那些为你的计划.我哭了.我以为我可以忍得.原来感觉是忍不得的.我后悔了,后悔太快为你铺路,后悔自己的自私,后悔没有注意到你的不妥,后悔我的不警觉.是我的错,让你没能好好享受你的一生.
我的宝贝啊,如果你可以感觉到我,你一定要记得,daddy mummy really love you so much.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Our 5th month !!
Today is our 5th month!!was like how time flies... finish un-pack transfered stock from tiong untill 5am,and reach home by around time 520am ba..
Baby was waiting me while she is sleep.I'm so happy to and touch.Afther bath,dom.........sleep like nobody business..untill 11am then i wake up to call the person that suppose to give me wake up call.
Meet up at 1pm instead of 1230pm. (was so tired) but still moving to ECP.It like never fail for us to lost our destination.Finally we take "280" to ECP .
Rent 2 bikes 2 hours.Baby was so cute that she not really familiar with bicycle.But she still manage to banlace which supprise me.LOL
This happened a uncle actually come to me and trying borrow my bicycle & wanted deposit his "valuable item" with me.Of cause i reject.Whose know what will happen after my bicycle go with him.Following that he offer me that "fish" he have.Really that get shocked.The reason i give him is,sorry uncle i'm was LOL....
baby is too..continue thee story and upload the photo soon..
Baby,Happy 5th month!!!Thanks for everythings,i'm looking forwards next months.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Recently,i'm so busy.Busy with work.but pay doesnt tally with my workload.Baby is still there with me,this make me feel touch.She is always there for me,like,never fail to be my side whenever i need her.She is my personal angel.
My life now is full with work,work and work.80% of mytime are given to work,5% give to mrt,5% to myself.i left only 10% for her,how bad am i,can you tell?
All my friends,i cant give them any time now,because i dont even have time for her.Future is in my hand,i hold,i control,i create my future.i want my future bright,and my girl are not need to suffer in the future.i wan be with her 12hour at least per day.That is my future i planned.i planned you in,baby.
Friday, July 3, 2009
my family
This is my family..My dad,work at so many place all over malaysia,but not that success as others,but i love him.
This is my family..My mum,Housewife.Like shopping like others woman,but i got no so much for her to shop.but,i still love her.
This is my family..My brother.Working and crazy over the night.But he still my brother.
This is my family..My younger brother.He like his girlfriend like nobody business that make me so pissed off.But afther all,he still my lovely brother that look 95% like me.
My family.Make me mad and crazy.But i still love them no matter how piss off am i.Because they are my family.We're blood related.
This is for you.
This is for you.Thanks for giving me so much cofident and love when i'm down,sad,and felt useless.Recently,i realise that i'm too busy with my work load,i felt sorry to you.B,i really wanted to have more time to acc you,i \'ve tried,and i'm trying still..cause of you,worth me to do this so much.
Love words sweets talk i cant speak well to you,can express my feeling well by my english,but i really hope that you can feel my heart.
Is so happy everytime when i'm out with you,Is so look forward what is the next jokes you'll bring to me afther this joke.Is so happines when u lying on my shoulder.Is so touch when i able to just hold you hand tightly.Is just all because of you.
Because of you,i've learned to bear all the things all the times.
Beacuse of you,i've learned to understand from ppl's view bfore i scold them.
Because of you,i've learned to be think more wisely,more mature,more details.
Because of you,i've learned how to love.
Baby,i changed.
Changed to give you more comfortable love that you deserve.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Not a good day.Was feel soOoo sick after back home.then very randomly,i cried.haiz.break down because of work.
It seems like she is the only one i will talk to when i'm crying.the only one i rely on when i was down.BIG diffrent salary between to same post person,and the lower pay one gota work more,includ cleanning the shit that create by the one taking the high salary.
Bear to gain more expriceace.
love momo
Friday, June 19, 2009
assist manager
Work is always irritating.
1200 vs 2800
less pay more work load vs more pay less work load
this is wat i facing now.the biggest unfair salary pay.
The words " RESIGN" keep appear in my mind,but i cant do it now,because i need to take leave at august.
all i can do now is to bear with it,gain as much as expriece as i can.
i hate TPS.
Genting Trip part 2
theme park was a very sxciting story to tell..and show offf.
Finally i played SPACE SHOT!!!!OMG!!how brave i'm ,now i heart was like almost come out from my was the excieted one.lots of aventure game testing my heart pressure..actually i'm not that old..hahaha!!!
clone,baby claim that she shut her eyes off from start till the,she really scare!!
anyway,that was a fun days!! and we bought lots of stuffs...JiaYang,we never forgot to buy u a gift..dont worry.But,it was so hard to find suitable gift for you,as you know,genting is actually -just - like - that. =.= "
well,well,well..this holidays actually quite and baby can just easily fall sleep after bath..maybe the weather too well?mayber the bed too comfortable??
finaly,the last day.board on the bus,back to reality and haiz~~~
holidays is always the wonderful one...
looking forward next holidays with my momo..
Joe Chan
p/s : Thanks for take care of me during the holidays~i love you sooOooOo much!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Genting trip
Yes,i'm back from genting trip.3 days 2 night.basically is 2 days on the journey to genting and back for genting.only 2 night sleep in the hotel,1 day to play around.
Photos taken lots,i dono if i have the time to upload,perhaps i should off tomolo. =.=
and now,i'm soOoOOoo lazy!!!
perhaps,photos will upload later on..
well,this was a fun trip with my baby beside me.first ime we travel out singapore. happy~
bus departed at 715am early morning,baby was stay at my house day before we leave sg.that was terrible when both of us actually wake up at 3 plus nearly to 4 o'clock in the mornng!!!we cant fall sleep,actually.
the journey to genting was consider good,smooth,only when the custom in msia actually quite slow,other than that,nothing to report.
reach genting at 2:30pm.register ourselves,with Dean & V. The Q make us wake like an idiot.finnaly got the room key at 4pm while we suppose to check in at 3pm.
Queen size bed room for me and BB,small bath room with no bathtub,small fridge,small safety box,small tv.
first day,we walk around with dinner at the shop name " hainan kitchen".This shop actually sell chicken rice,BUT,the service,not really there and the food there is just so-so.but the price doesnt so-so too!!Haiz,what to do?
i cant really recall back what we did on the first day night afther the dinner,but definetly,we walked around.and the cold is really killing me man~~
Next day was the breakfast at 900pm (suppose 830am)
Theme Park coming after we get ourselves ready from the breakfast.
guys,please looking frw the next part,cause i was too tired to blog now..night~
Sunday, June 7, 2009
stupid work
Recently,i was like super busy.busy with work,busy with my momo,busy to fight monster at mario land.
But thats was cool~ ( i mean my momo and fighting monster)
i got my back pay,this is the highest pay i even happy.and i wish my pay can stay at this amount for curent momment,not just last month...but too bad.the fact is,that is only 1 month back pay.
well well not easy to earn,i pampered myself,by going genting with my dearest for 3 days,2 berms since that is a promotion,a ADIDAS sling bag with GSS ... now,back to poor status...thats was really fast to spend
And,baby.i really want to thanks you for everythings.i work for my future.and u're my future and forever.
working is just forever tired.
Friday, May 15, 2009
my off day with momo
Is like finally my off day at outlet for 2 night.was reach home at 515am after the contrator finish their job.was cab home.Text baby.msn with HT a while.
yes,i fainted.till 130 pm baby.she already on her way,how sweet she is.i love her so much.totall slack at home whole day cause really very tired.(i'm really turned old)
Home sour home with baby,following is my turn.slept in bus.nearly over stop.
today no much activitis,but,i kill a xiao qiang,which stupidly enter my room without permision and shock me.ya. I end his life with newspaper.
Now was acc my baby sleep on phone.she sleep so soundy.she really very ku ni le baby...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
So,yes,yesterday is our day.
Baby,Thanks for everything.All the effort you make.drag me up from my bed,call me almost everyday.i really cherish that so much,and it really spoilt me.Today,here i tell you that,be ready for yourself to get pamper by me.
was planned to celebrate earlier on..But this is really too bad for me to have off on that day,cause outlet was really under staff.At least work lunch.DEAL!
Finish work at 3pm,but by keep doing this and that was dragging my time and my baby was waiting me at AMK la!!!!Run away while Aris go Sakae Sushi.HAHAHAHA!!!leave a message still..
Alright,finally get myself in the train.My dearest baby,i'm coming!!!hohoho~~
Reach home to put things first.Baby say want to eat icecream when i say no..hahaha,but of cause i lose la!!leave baby alone eating ice cream in kitchen as my bro's gf was sleeping in room while i jump into bath room.
Marina Square was our next was shaking.It is too cold!!(as alwasy).Kenny Roger for dinner.Huge Chix.OMG!!!!Met TingTing(ex collegueat Hotel)back to topic. Yes,the chix is so huge.i cant finish.but my baby,really scare me.she eat more than me!!oH my gOd!!!!
next to cinema after show.haiz.walk out from ticket counter,left is bowling court,right side is arcade..both baby dont like,hahaha...almost drag her into arcade xia shi ta!!LOL
end up we head to MUJI nothing..just like others people around us..wat a good feeling~
MugPie at like finally we ate this~
Photo taken.not really much.but baby was pretty.As always..
Home sour home with baby..oh ya,baby wearing skirt.(pretty princess)
then my turn home after baby.i'm so handsome too..
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
3rd month!!!
Today my 3 months with my dearestaweetheart MOMO NEO!!!!
Baby!!!Thanks for everything and times that u giv out for me,i really cherish it andd bless to have u as my girlfriend,3 months,probation month,we both passsed.exam is forver on,will we pass?Of cause we will,right?
Baby,i shorter the words i wan to say,as u know my english...LOL
Baby, i love you,and really love you,please allow me take care of u for life...
Friday, May 8, 2009
Free time
Its sem like long long time ago since i blog..why today i blog?cause later on gotta do shit gotta complaint first...nowadays seems like shit...Wilson annouce my new position again without any black &white proof..haiz...
yesterday,went to Tampiness 1 with baby..and,ops! i knock my head twice a day...really hor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~haiz!!!
baby,my mind cant function properly,this is all i can think to type up..dont want nag me that i dint upload my blog anymore,ok?hahha
jiayang good boy,ok?
to all my friends,please meet up soon when i got free time...LOL
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
i need internet!!!
work suck~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
this is all i can of the collegue keep MIA,shift scew up...haiz...i miss baby so much,since school start,i cant have more time with baby,she gotta school,i gotta work..both busy,i wan be with her as long as i have i love you so much....
Monday, April 27, 2009
for so long
being so long i dint blog,cause my connection is down...!!!wa piang!!!my mafia sia!!!!!
and cant chat with baby...
now,i was at baby house,first time.very kacheong at very first times....always was only send her till door,i'm in her room,baby i like this feeling that just like how we are now...i love it so much!!!
Outlet parttimer was like never wont screw up the schedule...haiz,i'm lazy to say too much....MIT?sure bor??i just listen to it first untill i get my BLACK &WHITE letter.
TO my sweeheart,thanks for all the effort especially on that monday,hypervatanation???izzit speell this way??
i love momo..
Monday, April 20, 2009
Today,suppose work start work at 10am,wake up by momo at 854am,bath,and leave house to take stomach feeling weird,very weird.i dono how to describe it.maybe i got baby le??
able to catch the train that just reach,(next train 5min,i dont wan to wait sia)13min journey from amk to orchard. my stomach,very pain,not those type that wan pangsai,not gastric,not hungry pain,not menses pain.its just PAIN!!!!i can feel myself,cold sweat over my back,my forehead,thousand of question over my mind,what's wrong with me?huh?i have enuff sleep,i have eat proper..but y this happen to me?what wrong is that??i can feel i might fainted down soon,but i dont wan kena step on by ppl that walk out and in from train.and i cant breath well.!!!Finally reach orchard,i sat down on the bench.i really cant move anymore,i breath deeply.i text aris,i called him.cant get thru.i text tom,i called tom.thinks he was asleep.finall solution is go thru wilson.
After wilson,i get tom to open shop for me.i take train back to amk Raffles.think the Raffles medical is doing free medical check up for ppl,its like full house.oh,gosh,all virus in the room...
baby was actually rush down after my call.was thinking this,should i let her know?should i?after a whilebeing respect,i inform her,dont wan her got that kind of feling i dont wan share her my things.
Doctor ask if i have asthma history?izzi i dint sleep well,enuff sleep?those question..hui tzy also asked me same question.biological sciences hui tzy not doctor de le...haiyo...du shu ren jiu shi bu yi yang..
leave waiting me at the coffee shop.cause i wan eat the meat soup.i like it.the stall's sister reconige me and baby.. :) i'm regular customer mah...
reach home.force to eat medicine by baby..
after a while.i fall sleep with baby beside me.and chocolate.i love baby kaihui.i love her so much.wake up several time baby not in.thinks she leave me to change time i saw her,she jz silentlt sleep beside me.sleepping angel..i like her so much.wanted to hug her in arm,but scare wake her up.close my eyes,fall sleep again..
5plus.wake is wakeup too..i love her.i wan her stay for me,but she cant.cause she need to go home..pathetic chocolate,kena torture by me...
now was,i miss u..
but i gotta sleep soon..
u take care urself too...
loves kaihui forver..
ah kai ar ~~
Today,day off..
sick of,today finally off.told my bro will clean the room today...i sleep like nobody time start off after i planned my schedule..which is after 7pm.....till 11plus just now.. baby is mad when she help me off to choose all the stuff that need to thrown away..i think baby is totally get mad today..first is when planning schedule,i was like totally dont wan to plan,and she gave me that kind of "not plan,i'll kill you" de signal. make me feel very mummy supervisi the kid doing homework..2nd is when she help me tidy out my stuff,,lots of stuff kena question...very kong bu,mama type..
baby,next time i will tidy my room myself,i dont want get kill by u... hugs!!!
I hate work!!!i cant even enjoy the work now....haiz!!
"enjoy ur work,so u wont feel u're work a day"
but i'm trying to enjoy,but its seems like -- nope..
my figure is cramping again...stroke signal is rinse the light.....i'm old.
my loves one,
thanks for be by side when i need someone there,thanks for guiding me when i'm lost,thanks for being understanding when i need someone to understand me,thanks for all the hugs,its encourage me most,thanks for all the loves,it make me moving forwards and brave..
Thanks for sweetheart..
i love you,ah kai~
Saturday, April 18, 2009
stupid schedule!!!i cant plan any proper schedule out!!!!oh my god!!!!dying all my dearest friends,please attend my furenal with shirt in black or white,thats is my fav colour,cheers!!!
Gosh!!i really will die soon..
TPS!!!The Pathetic Staff!!!!!
in dying....
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Day without MOMO
Today,was alone.working in bar..with acc of Hazel,and Lun..New partimer,Adeline??15oo++ sales..Service side got WL,Gary,RD,and,i think i should say i hide myself in bar.just dont wish to stay at floor today...miss my bar??i think so.
Mo is outing with family..Flu again attack..really hope she can always fight the flu back.. =.=
Today,lots of ice blend drink..a weird situation happened.a customer was "feedback" the ice blend(momoTeaFreeze) is TOO COLD!!
hmm,excuse me,my dear sir,are u expect me do a iceblend without ice?or my ice should be warm instead of cold??
Finally,shift end..
RD mention to me that Tom dint close settlement for VISAMASTERAMEX last night.closing today doesnt tally.well, genius suprvison.
*Sorry cant turn back the time.sorry doesnt work anymore when ppl lost the trust and patient on you.sorry doesnt help anything.*
reached home.was walking home with my baby acc on the sweet she is..cherish her so much..
when the night getting dark,my baby enegy is getting low,her voices is like battery
cute!!!and sweet..
and i was almost leaving for sleep soon also...sleepy sie!!!!
and soOooOOooOOOo hugnry.. ):
tomolo wil be a good day,i love momo Neo!!
miss momo..
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Decide to use english in my blog..thinks this will be more faster..
Yesterday is my off,was going out with my baby princess...BUT!!ARGGGGGGGGGG!!!!meeting forever wont end like that,offday still gotta attend meeting.was went to SK fetch my baby after mmeting,she jz awake!!lol
On my way there,was walk so slow hope she can catch up my time.. (:
In the train,i'm so handsome..!!lol Reach SK LRT,thinks i look like suspicsion ppl more than i look handsome.
Reset my playlist in my HP,the songs getting older day by day,i need to upload new song!!!Finally baby reaching...Planned to ECP .think our body language already informus that dont go ECP..hahaha,very naturaly we move into train,we stop at orchard..Baby had a haircut,hm...this hairstylish cant make only cut according to wat custorment had a short hair cut,but at d side is too boy's cut... baby must be sad..):
i should bring her go Yishun there to cut next week..
i love my baby!!!
We had wanton Mee while we waiting d now,we was like hang aroung in fareast...window shop....and we got studs for both ourselves!!!baby got a pair of blur studs,and i got a very light purple stud.I look handsome...!!! hahahah!!!!
Sakae Buffet Next at wheelock...Its terrible full,baby complaint me always easy get full when having time i will starve myself 2days b4 heading to buffet,ok?
buffet time,talk lots of pasttime story...her bad girl time at her sch...dumb dumb,but brave,thats is y i like her so much!!!
Movie time next!!! -- Snipper --
its like so zhun for every shot.i should learn it,next time if customent complaint,then i can shot them..good idea~
baby stomach feeling bad after say got my baby le...i became father soon!!!yeah!!!!
home with baby time around 7plus...was totally slack at home after reach home...hahaha!!i love my bed!!
send bb home ard 10 plus..was totally out of enegy..nearly over stop onmy way home...reach home,my battery is fall to 1%,after phone chatting with baby,drop to 0%
baby was online waiting for me...but,I'M sorry baby!!!
Wont happen again le,will telll u if i really tired...
Hugs,!!!!gotta work le,sian~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
photos upload next time after resize...but the problem now is,i dont have the software!!!!!!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
就是不想起床~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!!!!可是还是很无奈的起床了. 玩一下电脑,就很不甘愿的去冲凉....出门到新山是四点,刚好有票,这个巴士的时间就是永远慢20分钟...是好是坏我也不知道.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
好久好久没写了,因为我真的很累,很忙,很懒惰.自从上MIT后我就加重了.不是吃太多,因为黑衣很重,很多责任,很多压力.问有没有后悔接下MIT,算没后悔吧,只是偶尔会埋怨没有人指导,黑衣让我学会好多东西,也学着好多东西,人情世故,处世态度,好多好多.黑衣也让我越来越累,心理的累.好多事都要学会忍,什么该说,什么不该说,什么该做,什么不该做.什么人给什么态度,对下属的give and take,对同事的忍让,对上司的要求,对顾客的服务,都要好好维持.有时有点心力憔悴的感觉.RM可以或不可以决定在两个月后,现在我却好像看到答案了.其实大家都很好,只是还没发挥到本身的强点罢了.我相信我的staff,可是他们让我相信吗?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
对,是我当观光客(外加动作)的一天....圣淘沙一日游之海底世界篇.导游“某某凉”小姐!!我们是约在SK MRT的.导游小姐很难过因为她的易通卡不见了!!!可是她遇到好心人把遗失的卡送回了...
和她见面后的第一件开心事就是找回易通卡.接着我们望Harbourfront 前进.拍了好多的照片拍到没有电了..哈哈!!有机会再upload照片.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
今天很好的我没有死掉,宝贝已经on the way来了....很期待.
Friday, March 6, 2009
几天没来了.前几天上office,讲关于HSBC voucher的事,等了快一个小时人才慢慢走来,公司请她来蛇的吗?没关系.听凯慧说午餐小忙.可惜来不及帮到忙,因为还没回到店里.
10.30 凯慧来接我放工,很开心因为可以去吃我最爱的mee soto,然后我们又在 "岸边" 聊天 gossip别人...最最最重要的是,凯慧买了一些吓了我一大跳的东西,说是一些,可是也不尽然啦,用一堆应该比较贴切.
到家应该2点多吧 ~
冲好凉 就开始plan schedule...凯慧玩我的chocolate, 还一直complaint 我的chocolate没有钱.... =.="
400am 睡.我差不多算是睡在地上吧?我的公主睡去我一半的床了...我也只能睡一半咯.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
今天开会在TIONG....其实很累,一大早的,开会的点也没有很多,就是 sales,sales,sales!!!所以,很累.
回到WPP ,和Tom,凯慧去银行,因为太多人所以就和凯慧回店里先准备开店.今天,我是主厨,salad bar的主厨!!
Alex 拿了一大包的Basil Leaf要我剪,就这样一包我的心整颗就吓到剩半颗了..看到好多虫s...而且重点不是看到虫,是被别人发现我怕虫!!
最糟糕的情况发生了,我竟然plan错schedule!!!!都是他害我的,没有人要帮我留下做,结果就自己怄气自己做free labour,当做惩罚吧~
600才开工,我们去Cinel 约会.遇到Faiza ....
生意没有很好,100k 离我很远很远.
明天又要去office.. 烦
Sunday, March 1, 2009
今天,就是今天开始可怕又有挑战的MIT生活.可是今天我OFF!!哈哈!昨晚的电影因为我们太累因为下雨夜因为只想面对面的和你在一起所以取消( 算吧?)在MCdonald 的你很很很让我想抱着你的冲动,真的好久没有这样和你 "约会" 了... 约会,只要是只有我们两个才算约会的话,那我们的约会真的是少之又少...
今天是我女人的family day,所以我们没有约会,可是今天却是我变我弟女佣的日子..扫地,换被单,洗衣....我是少爷叻!!怎么是我在做呢??
可是很明显的还是我在做 , 所以就算了吧~
baby 今天投诉说电脑不能上网, 可怜的家伙
Friday, February 27, 2009
其实也没什么. 穿上的不只是黑衣,还有责任,还有无止境的压力.晚餐意料不到的很多人.宝贝没有等我.其实很难过一个人回家.算是习惯了吧...
其实还蛮没心情的,先是看到嘉阳在路边推凯慧就一肚子气.然后在过后也不知道自己在生生什么闷气,只觉得自己好像离目标越来越远.觉得我给的好像越来越少,能给的好像也没什么了,想着想着,竟然自己难过起来了,流泪. 男儿泪。
Monday, February 23, 2009
期待01032009的到来,责任感加大的象征.我要更懂事.加油吧~ 不要让她失望.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
今天做工时wilson又再提到MIT 的事情了,看来他是认真的,可是还是不要高兴的太早,希望和失望是等号.最重要是我 - 要 - 加 - 薪!!!!!!
我已经会开始偷偷想你了.. T.T
情人节 之 工作篇
工作是没停过,吃饭都是边做边吃.又不见的老板加薪,真的不知道有时自己那么拼做末...唉~ 劳碌命啊~ iggy toyu,kuru goma goma,sake,japanese matcha cake,yuzu i/cream 全部 86 ...可以连Bar也86吗?没有时间没有时间准备,waffer只卖到2个serving就86了...应该可以赚不只6000++ 的吧?
joe chan 啊 joechan!!你要加油!wislson说的可能不是很对,可是也有那个可能性.所以不要太认真他的话,也不要太不在乎.做自己该做的,一切顺其自然吧.记得“此处无伯乐,伯乐到处有”
水,水,水,全部是ice blend!!你们难道不知道喝太多冰对身体不好吗??
结论就只有 累~
Saturday, February 14, 2009
我的爱人是女生.所以过的是紫色情人节.可是那天就和我的爱人聊到,为什么大家都好像比较在情人节送花送礼物给情人?难道一年里的365天,只有2月14日 才是情人吗?
17 颗星星.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
今天是休息日! 我很开心.
今天3点就放工了,交待好一切东西后我就往和凯慧见面的地方前进,突然看到一个很可爱的蛋糕,就小小的一片.surprise for you!!LOL
回家的路上不小心睡着了. bleks~~~
msn 聊天,家扬sms我说有事要告诉我,害我和凯慧吓到半死,怎么那么大个人了还得手足口症,哪个不是小孩的病吗?不过,家扬啊~还是要照顾自己,我没有钱买水果给你吃了.哈哈!
开心开心,明天有客到!!!!!很 -- 期 -- 待 !!!
今天本少爷做工到很迟,11pm!!!!明天又要开店!OH my God!! back to back...
午餐小忙,不过还好,我是少爷叻~ 当然没问题咯!开始没有客人了,我要去准备我的布丁.....!!!摆脱Angel看看场子,我就进厨房准备我的布丁了,快叫我布丁王子!!! 布丁好了就是炸面..突然Angel,alex,ah lun 大家都不约而同的说,“ Joe 啊~~ 你的亲爱的来了” 大概这样的话吧,天啊,听了都脸红,哈哈!
凯慧又说了一句 " 确定不要我等你?" 我只能说听了就只会心软.结果又 missed 掉last bus了...
今天星期日四点就放工了,去图书馆找我要的资料,虽然已经不是学生好多年了,可是还是“偶尔”回到图书馆走走.BUgis 的图书馆听说是新加坡最大的图书馆,其实我觉得,除了地方大以外,那些我要找的资料都找不到.都是在别的图书馆里,被骗.
大概七点多,回家吧.走到以前每次搭162的巴士站等.很多人,还好有位子.回到家后的我好想赖床不冲凉哦....可是不可以这样,因为我很臭.很不甘愿的去冲凉.和凯慧讲好要聊 msn,很早就上线埋伏了,遇到好多朋友来找我聊天,原来我很有名.哈哈哈哈!!!
哲言: 不是每样大的东西/人/爱/地方,就能找到/得到你要的东西.有时你要的其实就在你身边,仔细感受,就能察觉.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
终于吃到我要吃的鱼圆面了!!很开心啊~ 好 --- 幸 --- 福 !!!!
幸福的感觉,就是和你喜欢的人一起吃你喜欢的食物,分享你的全部.今天没有很迟回,九点多就走到你家附近的组屋区了,是我们说好如果有机会要一起走回家的... **你的家
1130pm 我送你回家,下午你说的话我一直在想.真的有把它听进去了.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
今天厨房很很很很忙哦~~~ 炒到阿伦半死.今天厨房里的人手很不够.我也得帮忙出菜,Cindy 也忙着帮忙拿菜.晚餐的SAles 才2000多吧了..还有很多cancel 的也是..
晚上,凯慧又复原了.很好.熊猫啊~ 你自己也帮帮自己啦,你也知道你自己快绝种了,就请自己照顾一下自己when照顾你的管理员没在你身边时,好不好?
Aris 9点多就离开了,整间店剩我,凯慧,JiaYang,Gary,在跑,客人不是很多,还好而已.第一次自己关店,其实很开心也很担心.开心的是觉得终于有了一点点的责任了,担心的是因为责任的问题,矛盾吧?
凯慧的衣服因为帮忙洗锅而黑黑,想说用SODA水可以把它洗掉.就把开了的SODA 水包了包放进包包里,结果两个猪头完全忘了包包里有罐开过了的SODA水..结果,罐里的Soda 流了进包包了...哈哈!!笨笨凯慧.
加油工作吧! JOe Chan
Changi Airport
和凯慧去changi airport.很久没有来了..
回家的路上,我一直吵着要吃 bugis 的鱼圆面..凯慧快要把我杀死了.
Friday, February 6, 2009
今天妈妈特别要求我回去拜拜天公.工作到6pm 就要一路飞去kranji.凯慧来接我放工.很开心.
初九 :
凯慧约了我6pm 在Harbounfront吃晚餐.见面礼是一朵不大的太阳花,差点找不到花店..我们吃鸡饭,辣椒不辣....有点难过.不过还好咯,猪头凯慧硬硬要我把半杯热美绿喝掉...晚餐后我们就去走走,看看小狗狗,真的很可爱,好想自己也买一只来养哦.过后看了《大喜事》.整部戏还好而已吧,因为没有让我想再看一次的冲动.戏后,我们上roof top 看看 "海" ,聊聊天,还数星星,一共16 粒吧?有记错吗?
我们有了一个 不能说的秘密 了哦~ 哈哈!!
~ It's a secret we'll Never Tell ~
累 . 睡
Monday, February 2, 2009
初四 :
晚餐和凯慧去waraku 吃.出菜很快.然后我们去tiong 找 Fir 然后跟他们玩玩闹闹的,就和凯慧慢慢回家了.
初五 :
初六 :
做工.累 放工后却和TPS 的一群家伙去party world 狂唱.其实我不爱唱歌,可能因为被阿伦影响到吧,那天的我好像唱蛮多歌的...大家很开心,有LULU,Fir,Cindy,Hazel,wan yi,ah lun,tom,jia yang,KaiHui,还有本人.Fir 买了一个小小的蛋糕给LULU 庆生.今天的我没有喝酒,因为答应凯慧大人要送她回家,所以喝了2杯Hot HOney Lemon Tea,他们都开心的喝酒,我也很开心的和我的Hot Honey Lemn Tea..其实我的也很好喝.3.30 大家就回家了.幸好我有看我的包包,FIR 真的很恐怖,他把PartyWorld 的全部湿纸巾塞进我的包包里,其实我也没有很乖,我就把那些湿纸巾又塞进凯慧的包包里...哈哈!!这个傻瓜喝到醉了..送她回家,还好没事.可是就有一个不能说的秘密.
初七 :
又是做工.累.你来接我放工.8pm.我们去esplanade吃我很想念的mee soto,kangkong sambal,kaya fondue..真的很好吃!!过后我们在岸边聊了一下下就送你回家来了.
Monday, January 26, 2009
my cousin's daughter. ^.^ very chubby,And she like me lots ~~~

年初一,我睡过了时间,答应凯慧要900am叫她起身,一不小心,我睡到909am 才惊醒.就很快的又没力的打给凯慧,过后好像又晕倒了.. 1200noon 多,我终于醒来. 一家人除了我爸,整理好后就去阿嬤家,所谓的HQ.赌- 赌 - 赌 !!输 - 输 - 输!!
回到家,妈还没有煮好..我快快跑去剪头发.还染了一头颜色,bobo lim,不要再讲我peng了可以吗?才刚上色不久,弟就call说要吃饭了,wicky 很好的把我的头包起来,我就冲回家吃团圆饭.其实我也不晓得到底爸为什么不等到初一过了才开工,以前都是这样的啊,现在都变了..难过.
842pm打电话给凯慧.她生病了. =.=
1030pm 凯慧打给我,问我有没有上msn.这个还要问?你真的很不了解我.跟凯慧线上聊了很开心,我们开了视频.我让她看我们庆祝新年的气氛,爆竹声,新加坡没有办法发生的事.我让她看了我妈妈,我弟弟..还有我的家.12am...!!!希望她真的可以看到很开心..因为我已经很努力把webcam adjust 到最外面了.我没办法把电脑搬出balcony咯....semi-live,应该很好吧!!??
好像很努力聊到1am ,凯慧的脸已经很很很累了,所以我们就结束通话了..
eh,初四的晚餐不要忘记,还有要给你的东西. ^.^
Sunday, January 25, 2009
230109 :
今天凯慧600pm才开始做工.其实一切还好.我也没有生气3hrs41min 叻..放工送凯慧回家,凯慧说我知道你要送我回所以我也没有说不要.听了很开心.至少我知道有人珍惜我做的事.今天第一次送凯慧送到家门口.她说她爸爸妈妈不在家,我想是去约会了.
5am 多,睡了.
- you break the trust,no more friend -
总之就是很pekche!!!放工的时候整个人就是快气到爆炸.去厕所换衣的时候就sms问TOm要不要去吃鱼圆面.就忽然很想吃..TOm 打电话给cindy叫她一起去吃.
Friday, January 23, 2009
今天很闷.没有凯慧在TPS..没有人陪我玩.FIE 也不在..难过.
家杨兄啊~ 你要振作哦!!!
腰的骨又再痛,我要来红了~ 讨厌!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
终于到时间要去meet凯慧了.起身冲好凉..就下楼等巴士了,到凯慧家的巴士159就在家楼下的巴士站,超级方便.巴士很快就来了,一上车找了个好位坐下,开始听歌.孙燕姿的《第一天》.听了心情很好.sms凯慧告诉她我上巴士了.巴士有一停没一停的到了盛港地铁站,我就上楼到LRT 等凯慧小姐的到来.LRT的路线真的有够乱的.凯慧说她会迟到一点点,于是我把她迟到的证据拍下了.

我们往我们的目的地前进.今天我们要吃roti prata.原来我去过那里吃.跟pui eh 她们去过.才坐下而已,隔壁的两个uncle就一直在看.我就说,要看不是看咯,没有看过嘛,就给他看到够咯...我不知道过后他们还有没有看,因为其实我也不管.

吃完后我们就去plaza singapora 走走...

大概2.20pm我们就离开往TPS前进...走着走着,我和凯慧聊了很多很多..什么都聊.经过7-11时,我忽然想到一件事.拜托凯慧等我一下下.就拿了钱包往7-11跑..幸好这间有卖我想要买的口味.Ben&Jerry ice-cream
我买了凯慧说过想要吃的口味,cherry garcia.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
我没有睡到... T.T
pui eh , 我们真的很久没有出去了hor,新年我一定去你家拜年的,ok?不要逃跑Hor..我初三就开工了,所以啊,可能初二下午就会回来了吧~ 不怎么想待在bp太久叻..
outing with kaihui on 15012009

Trying very hard to make her get herself over from the past.
MoMo Neo,i know you can,cause i get myself over already..i believe u need times.Hm,dun worry,i will acc you as much as i can,and make sure u get it over.k?smiles and move on.Lots of things waiting for u to discover. :D
我又失眠了..盖了凯慧的电话,写完我的blog后,我就开始很努力的睡,可是我知道我自己是8分清醒,2分睡..现在的我很累,可是睡不着.再多一下就要和凯慧去吃prata 了.很久没吃了,还蛮想念的咯~ 希望凯慧没有介绍不好吃的给我吃.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
我不是 !!!
首先,因为我知道你会读我的这个blog,所以在我还没忘记骂你之前,我要记得骂你....MOMO NEO!!!!
下面这个有很多错误,你知道吗???walao~~~~ 介绍我也没有对的资料的...被你气死啊~~~!!!
oh, joe is a bung,21 years old,malaysian.Shes' cool.and officially made, 'kaihuis' Mr cool' by everyone.Damn, its embarassing!Too bad, another player.But she could always make me smile to myself.
第二,我不是player!!!!walao ...要我说到死是不是??我很像,可是我不是!!!
记得吗??不要这样,我会难过的....明明就不是player... T.T
好的我可以开始我的blog 了...
今天就像平常一样.. 赖床,凯慧应该会给我气死吧,因为我一直赖床,不管咯...我爱我的床.终于起身了,打给凯慧告诉她我刚起身.然后我们聊了一些choco的东西,很快就盖了,去冲凉,换衣,上班.每天每天,除了打电话给凯慧以外,我都在重复一样的事.我是机械人.

今天很快就关店了..我把凯慧送到盛港mrt..就去等我的159了.没有等很久.很快我就到家咯,才不过15分钟而已..Raq刚才sms我,她说 - now i understand. 因为在跟凯慧讲着电话,而且也不晓得要reply什么,所以选择不reply.结果她就打电话来了.凯慧要我听.
今天就这样结束了.和凯慧聊电话或sms已经变成我每天期待的一件事,因为她很可以让我笑.有凯慧在真的是一件很开心的事.所以凯慧我要谢谢你当初说我酷,要不是你的这句酷,我想现在我还没和你聊天吧?anyway很开心认识你!Thanks for being my friend.当然我会记得我说过的话.所以你不需要担心太多.ok?
Monday, January 19, 2009
我就叫曾月柔,怎样??既然你都知道了,开心就好,不要叫我这个名就好,k?除非,除非,我说了,除非没有其他人在旁边,知道吗?要不然请叫我JOE CHAN.
还有,我会好好的“疼”你的, 你小心吧...我要睡了,晚安.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
今天因凯慧难得开金口说要出街...我,TOm,Fie 都去...还有JudeLaw and Guan Cheng..最后结果我们去了PartyWorld唱歌..71号房,很大的房间,整个一进去就想要倒下睡觉..可是因为很很很饿,所以眼睛很快的一直在找食物..这时候的GC 很累的倒在椅子上,Jude and Tom坐在那里等榴莲掉,FIr 好像在唱歌,凯慧就一直一直在选歌,而且她很迟屯,我丢了很多craker她都没发现...哈哈哈!!开始唱歌咯,我就一直在看和听...因为不会唱歌..他们就一直唱唱唱的..原本开心的唱歌一直唱到Jolin的倒带,“终于看开爱回不来 我们面前太多阻碍 你的手却放不开 哭着求我留下来 .......”凯慧哭了,我也哭了....唉~这首歌真的很难过啊.....我就很大方的抱住她,唉~不喜欢女生哭,因为我会觉得如果我在你身边你还哭我很像很没用...所以说啊凯慧小姐,你不要常常哭知道吗?我会心痛的..可是要哭的时候还是可以哭的啦~要记住哦,只要在我面前,身后,旁边,就不需要假装自己,在我面前做自己,ok?我的肩旁虽然很Mini可是我看你的头还是可以FIt in 的,so就不用客气的啦~而且不收费的... ok? 然后我还偷偷亲了凯慧小姐两下,因为真的很想给她安慰可是又不知道还能怎样..一下在额头,一下是抱着她时轻轻的亲了她的脖子,凯慧不要生气哦~因为我真的很心痛你这样..
然后我就好像开始一直喝酒,也不知道喝了多少杯,跟FIe 干了,跟Jude干了,跟凯慧干了,也跟凯慧的两个男生朋友干了,结果就被FIe拉开了,开始没有力了,我需要床!!可是我还不想回家..原本我就心想,我不能醉倒,因为要送凯慧小姐回家,可是很没用的结果是Tom送我回家...总之我就是一直喝一直去厕所就对了啦~ 然后Fie 就拉着大家跳舞..还跳贴身舞,我被FIe拉到凯慧中间跳,整个被夹着,然后我就很厉害,跳啊跳的跳出去了,然后跳啊跳更累了.然后又是酒又是跳的,我还因为喝太多,跑到厕所吐,真的是脸都丢光了!!不过我是没有醉的,因为我知道我家的地址,我很厉害hor....!!不要以为我醉,其实俺没醉呐~~
蒙蒙咚咚回到家就往厕所冲,有吐了.我 - 真的很可怜.然后我就这样拖着自己倒在我的床了.
下次啊,喝一杯一个意思就好了..凯慧小姐还要回家的..真的很内疚啊,说了那么多次叫她可以rely on me,结果自己整个high到这样...要死哦~~
Saturday, January 17, 2009
其实有时想想工作上也是需要一些坏人才可以衬托出好人吧,所以ivy啊,既然你那么爱扮演坏人的角色,那么我就不客气的选择好人的角色了哦~ 就算好人必须先死,我也无所谓.只要到最后坏人不能得到他们要的,就可以了啦~ 其实我很伟大的...
Friday, January 16, 2009
今天我是sibei开心,因为跟她出去,很开心。因为我一直很勇敢的欺负她.谁叫她迟到.哈哈哈!!!我又去吃那个鱼圆超大的baochomi.很好吃.超想念的咯... 然后看场电影,然后晚餐我们去cafe swiss 吃Beef Tenderloin。然后又去Equinox 看夜景,然后今天我只记得我整天都是在笑的..因为真的很开心,小姐..谢谢你让我开心一整天..小弟感激不尽..
她是谁? 你自己知道啦~欠我很多了hor..你自己看着办吧~
Saturday, January 3, 2009
为了什么 有些人可以说谎
为了什么 有些人可以背叛
为了什么 有些人可以任性
为了什么 有些人可以不自爱
为了什么 有些人可以伤害对方
为了什么 有些人可以为对方付出
为了什么 有些人可以被伤害后还坚持
为了什么 有些人可以一直守候自己爱的人
为了什么 有些人可以不闻不问的付出一切
为了什么 有些人可以不闻不问的觉得一切理所当然
为了什么 我还放弃不下一直守候着你的回头
为了什么 我就不能放下一切再往前走
Friday, January 2, 2009